
Friday, September 30, 2011

Beekeeper Quilt

Current Projects
Yes, I'm currently working on the beekeeper quilt just like a lot of people are on  I'm not too far into the project (current puff count is 12), but I'm having so much fun working on these.  My mom gave me another idea too, but I'm keeping that one a secret.  Following the advise of someone else working on the project, I looked up a calculator to see how many puffs you will need to finish your quilt (find it here).  If I want a quilt to fit my queen size bed, I will need 829 puffs.  As a result, I'm thinking just what the author said to do: work on the puffs for a year and see how many you come up with.  Perhaps it will just be a piece that I frame and hang in my house or a yarn shop should I ever open one.  We'll see how it goes!

Coming Soon
My fall toddler girl jumper is almost done, I'll be posting pictures soon!  Check out some of our stuff on under cherishedmomentswi.


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